Op 13 november 2022 worden in Engeland, Canada en de U.S.A. de doden herdacht uit o.a. de tweede wereldoorlog. De landen houden de herdenking op de zondag die het dichtst bij de datum 11 november ligt, het einde van de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Dat was in 2022 zondag 13 november. On November 13, 2023, in England, […]
Category: Multimedia
Video – Foto’s – Knipsels door de jaren heen – Video – Photos – Clippings through the years
2022 [Photos] Relatives in Strijen
Op 14 mei 2022 brachten nabestaanden een bezoek aan de begraafplaats en het monument in Strijen; Janet Nagtzaam maakte deze foto’s van het bezoek. On 14 May 2022, relatives visited the cemetery and the monument in Strijen; Janet Nagtzaam took these photos of the visit. Fotoserie bezoek nabestaanden – 14 mei 2022
2021 [Photos] – Christmas Eve ‘Lights on wargraves’
2021 [Photos] Remembrance Day
Op 14 november 2021 worden in Engeland, Canada en de U.S.A. de doden herdacht uit o.a. de tweede wereldoorlog. De landen houden de herdenking op de zondag die het dichtst bij de datum 11 november ligt, het einde van de Eerste Wereldoorlog. Dat was in 2021 zondag 14 november. Bij het Hoeksche Waard Luchtoorlog Monument […]
2021 [Photo] – Dodenherdenking Polen
On November 1, it is national commemoration of the dead in Poland, the war victims are also commemorated. The monument in Oud-Beijerland contains six names of Polish crew members who fell in the Hoeksche Waard in World War II, five of which were in Oud-Beijerland. These five are buried in the Crooswijk cemetery in Rotterdam, […]
[Photos] Strijen Remembrance 1941-2021
August 12, 1941 – August 12, 2021, by Wout Moret Commemoration ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of the RAF’s Bristol Blenheim on 12 August 2021 that crashed just next to the entrance to the harbor at Strijensas, killing all three crew members. By 2 pm the following people are present at the cemetery of […]
2021 [Photos] Dodenherdenking
Op 4 mei 2021 vond bij het monument de dodenherdenking plaats, in het bijzijn van burgemeester Bram van Hemmen, Anton en Jo de Man, de Amerikaanse veteraan Jim Brotherton en Fenny Scholte (nabestaande van Leo J.W. Blommesteyn) On May 4, 2021, the commemoration of the dead took place at the monument, in the presence of […]
2021 [Photos] Snow and maintenance
Enkele foto’s uit februari 2021: plotseling was er sneeuw en 15 graden vorst in de nacht. Een week later was alles alweer weg en kon aan het onderhoud worden begonnen. Anton de Man: ,,Vandaag was ik met Jo bezig om de dorre plantenresten naast het monument weg te halen. Er kwam een jong gezin. vader […]
2020 [Photos] – Christmas Eve ‘Lights on wargraves’
2020 [Photos] – Strijen Remembrance Day
2020 [Photos] Remembrance Day
Foto’s Remembrance Day bij het monument, 11 november 2020. Remembrance Day, ook wel Armistice Day of Poppy Day in het Nederlands: Dodenherdenkingsdag is in het Verenigd Koninkrijk en andere landen van het Gemenebest de dag waarop de gevallenen van de Eerste Wereldoorlog en alle oorlogen en gewapende conflicten sindsdien worden herdacht. De herdenking vindt plaats […]
2020 [Film] Memorial Day
Vanwege het Corona–virus een sobere Memorial Day bij het monument in Oud-Beijerland. Aanwezig waren o.a. de Amerikaanse veteraan Jim Broterton met echtgenote en Anton en Jo de Man. Er werden bloemen gelegd en alle namen van de Amerikaanse slachtoffers werden opgelezen. Nico Buis maakte een mooi filmpje van de herdenking. Because of the Corona virus […]
2020 [Film] Wreath – Krans
2020 [Film] Remembrance Day – Dodenherdenking
2020 [Photos] Monument by night
2020 [Knipsel] [Clipping] All airmen and crashes in monument
Clipping ‘All crew members and crashes in monument’ – Source AD Hoeksche Waard January 2, 2020 The 87 crew members of the fighter planes who fell above the Hoeksche Waard during the Second World War are honored in the digital monument Air War Hoeksche Waard 1940-1945. All crashes can also be read digitally. In total, […]
2019 [Photos] A new digital monument
2019 [Photos] Extension uitbreiding digital monument
The digital monument was further expanded in December 2019. In december 2019 werd het digitale monument verder uitgebreid. Fotoserie ‘Uitbreiding digitale monument’ In april 2021 moesten veel tegels (door een productiefout) worden vervangen In April 2021, many tiles had to be replaced, due to a production error.
2019 [Film] Herdenking Commemoration May 11
2019 [Photos] Chris van der Linden [In memoriam]
2019 [Photos] Spots around the monument
2019 [Photos] Bench near the monument
2018 [Film] Herdenking Commemoration November 10
2018 [Film] Monument
2018 [Photos] Flags and stickers
2018 [Photos] Paintjob for the pipe
2018 [Film] Families visiting Hoeksche Waard
Television item ‘Family fallen WWII pilots visits Hoeksche Waard’ – Source: RTV Rijnmond 25 May 2018 Four English families are visiting the Hoeksche Waard to commemorate family members who died in World War II. For example, 90-year-old Roy Hanney is here in memory of his brother Bob, who died with his plane near Strijen at […]
2017 [Herdenking] [Commemoration] November 11
On Saturday 11 November 2017, a commemoration ceremony took place at the monument “Air War Hoeksche Waard 1940-1945” in Oud-Beijerland. It is a joint initiative of the foundation associated with the monument, Scouting Oud-Beijerland, “Keep them Rolling” and group 8 of primary school “De Klinker”. ,,What is May 4 for us, is November 11 for […]
2017 [Photos] The monument
2017 [Photos] [Clippings] Opening digital monument
Clipping ‘Warmonument extended’ – Source: Kompas, May 19 2017 With the removal of an entrance rope, teachers and students of group 8 of De Klinker Primary School made it official: Oud-Beijerland is a monument richer. The opening of the digital monument “Air War Hoeksche Waard 1940-1945” was graced with bagpipe music and songs by the […]
2017 [Photos] Tiles (tegels) & Bushes (struiken)
Tiles were laid behind the monument in March 2017 to make it easier to reach the tubes of the future flagpoles. Some time later, bushes were also placed here to create a beautiful background. In maart 2017 zijn achter het monument tegels gelegd, om gemakkelijker bij de kokers te komen van de toekomstige vlaggenmasten. Enige […]
2017 [Photos] [Clippings] Construction digital monument
Clipping ‘Digital warmonument’ – Source: AD Hoeksche Waard March 29, 2017 Inke Keijzer (right) and Valerie Potter from group 8 of De Klinker primary school in Oud-Beijerland show a QR tile. They placed thirty-seven such tiles with their classmates as part of the new digital monument. Information can be requested via an app about the […]
2017 [Photos] The monument
2016 [Knipsel] [ Clipping] Tiles tell the story
Clipping ‘Plan for digital monument Air War Hoeksche Waard, Tiles tell the story’ – Source: AD Hoeksche Waard 20 September 2016 Unique for the Hoeksche Waard: the arrival of a digital monument. The plans of the Monument for Air War Hoeksche Waard 1940-1945 foundation are at an advanced stage. Master of ceremonies Jan van Tol […]
2016 [Herdenking] [Commemoration] June 4
Saturday 4 June, the victims of the Dutch and Allied crews of the air war in the Hoeksche Waard were commemorated. The memorial was held at the monument. afterwards there was a meeting in Klein-Profijt and a memorial ride of Keep Them Rolling (To Greup and to Piershil). The annual commemoration at the Monument Air […]
2016 [Knipsel] [Clipping] More cachet
Clipping ‘Commemoration gets more cachet’- Source: AD Hoeksche Waard May 28, 2016 At the photo: The initiators of the memorial parade: Jan van Tol (left), behind the wheel Bé van der Hoek, Anton de Man (left rear) and in military uniform Wout Verkerk. PHOTO VICTOR OF BREUKELEN The unveiling of the Hoeksche Waard Air War […]
2016 [Photos] Visit Family Peter Bickford
Op 3 mei 2016 waren familieleden van F/Lt. Peter William Bickford, die sneuvelde op 16 september 1944 en begraven ligt op de begraafplaats in Strijen, vanuit Bristol Engeland naar Nederland gekomen om de herdenking op 4 mei in Strijen bij te wonen. Zij verbleven in het van der Valk Hotel in Ridderkerk. Op 4 mei […]
2015-2018 [Photos] – Christmas Eve ‘Lights on wargraves’
On Christmas Eve December 24, 2015, in imitation of a national initiative to place burning candles at war graves, for the first time at the war graves at the cemetery in Strijen a lit candle was placed. 2015 Strijen 2016 Strijen en Puttershoek 2017 Strijen en Puttershoek 2018 Heinenoord Strijen Puttershoek
2015 [Photo] Monument by night
2015 [Photos] Spotlight at the monument
2015 [Knipsel] [Clipping] Monongahela airman among those honored
Clipping ‘Monongahela airman among those honored at memorial in Holland – Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, June 2015 BY RON PAGLIA An international tribute to military personnel who lost their lives in the Netherlands during World War II was an emotional time for Tony Myers of Bristol, England – a day of remembrance and gratitude. “It was […]
2015 [Knipsel] [Clipping] Monument forces to look up
Clipping ‘Monument forces to look up’ – Source: Kompas June 10, 2015 With a stylish ceremony, the Hoeksche Waard Air War monument was unveiled on Saturday 6 June. This happened on the De Bosschen industrial estate in Oud-Beijerland in the presence of numerous soldiers, dignitaries and relatives from the Netherlands and abroad. `This monument forces […]
2015 [Knipsel] [Clipping] Unveiling of warmonument emotionally and stylishly
Unveiling of warmonument emotionally and stylishly – Source: Kompas June 10, 2015 Ceremony ceremony Saturday 6 June in pictures (Photos: Conno Bochoven) Photo 1: The Hoeksche Waard Air War monument was unveiled with great interest in Oud-Beijerland on Saturday 6 June. The monument shows a bomber and five spitfires. A design from Mrs. De Man. […]
2015 [Knipsel] [Clipping] We enjoyed the ceremony
We enjoyed the ceremony – Source: AD Hoeksche Waard June 8, 2015 Emotions at the unveiling of the war memorial Oud-Beijerland Peter Bickford was born on 3 August 1955. At a young age he heard the story of his uncle, after whom he was named. That uncle was commemorated at the unveiling of the new […]
2015 [Photos] Visit Relatives
In the afternoon, after the unveiling of the monument, relatives went to the cemetery in Strijen to visit the graves of their loved ones. They laid poppy wreaths on the tombstones. While they were there, a bagpipe player walked into the cemetery and played Amazing Grace as he walked past the graves. The group then […]
2015 [Photos] Unveiling Visiting graves
2015 [Photos] Unveiling Monument
2015 [Photos] Unveiling Welcome
2015 [Film] Onthulling – Unveiling monument
2015 [Audio] Toespraak burgemeester Tichelaar
De openingsspeech van Burgemeester Tichelaar van de gemeente Oud-Beijerland (6 juni 2015). Citaat: “Dit monument dwingt om omhoog te kijken”. [Audio in Dutch language] The opening speech by Mayor Tichelaar of the municipality of Oud-Beijerland (6 June 2015). Quote: “This monument forces you to look up”.
2015 [Knipsel] [Clipping] An emotional day…
Clipping ‘Tomorrow will be an emotional day’ – Source: AD Hoeksche Waard, June 5, 2015 After more than two and a half years of preparation and overcoming many (organizational) problems, it will really happen tomorrow: the official unveiling of the Hoeksche Waard 1940-1945 air war monument. Initiator Anton de Man knows one thing: “It’s going […]
2015 [Knipsel] [Clipping] Monument adopted
Adoption of monument – Source: AD Hoeksche Waard, june 5, 2015 The last wish of the Hoeksche Waard 1940 1945 Monument Air Warfare Foundation has been fulfilled. The Oud-Beijerland scouting group, which has established its clubhouse on the nearby Zalmpad, has adopted the monument. After the maintenance, already promised by the municipality of Oud-Beijerland, this […]
2015 [Knipsel] [Clipping] Monument for aviators ready
Monument for aviators ready – Source: Dichtbij, May 20, 2015 The monument on the Antonie van Leeuwenhoekstraat in Oud-Beijerland, for the fallen airmen of the air war in the Hoeksche Waard, is ready. All work has come to an end with the construction of a wheelchair-friendly entrance to the monument. Four displays of information are […]
2015 [Photos] Fencing Hekwerk Monument
On May 4, 2015, the fence was placed around the monument. The fence was made available by MBR Hekwerk from Klundert, and placed by employees of the field service of the municipality of Oud-Beijerland, for which we thank you! Op 4 mei 2015 werd het hekwerk geplaatst rondom het monument. Het hekwerk werd beschikbaar gesteld […]
2015 [Clipping] Monongahela boosts banner event
Clipping ‘Monongahela boosts banner event’ Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 2015 City sends flag for June 6 service in Strijen, Netherlands BY RON PAGLIA The City of Monongahela is going global again. Less than six months after major festivities with officials from its sister city of Ono San Pietro, Italy, Monongahela has agreed to be part of […]
2015 [Knipsel] [Clipping] Mon City man killed in WWII honored in Holland
Clipping Mon City man killed in WWII honored in Holland – Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, April 27 2015 Unable to get into the U.S. Army, Peter Bickford joined the Canadian air force, By RON PAGLIA Progress continues on a memorial that will link the cities of Strijen and Oud Beijerland in the Netherlands to Monongahela and […]
2015 [Book] Luchtoorlog Hoeksche Waard 1940-1945
On Saturday April 25, 2015 the book “Air War Hoeksche Waard 1940-1945” was published. The first copy was presented to the director of Museum Hoeksche Waard in Heinenoord, where the exhibition “War in the Hoeksche Waard” can currently be visited. The book, written by Strijenaar Henk Nootenboom, was gratefully accepted by Belle van den Berg: […]
2015 [Knipsel] [Clipping] New war artwork for aircraft crews on the way
New war artwork for aircraft crews on the way – Source: Kompas April 17, 1945 The work of art that will be unveiled in Oud-Beijerland on 6 June for aircraft crews killed in this region in WWV was picked up in ‘s-Gravendeel last week. The Foundation “Air War Memorial Hoeksche Waard 1940-1945” has had the […]
2015 [Knipsel] [Clipping] American flag at unveiling monument
American flag at unveiling monument – Source: AD Hoeksche Waard April 16,2015 At the unveiling of the monument ‘Air War Hoeksche Waard 1940-1945, on 6 June in Oud-Beijerland, the stars and stripes also fly. The Monongahela City Council (Pennsylvania, USA) has donated the American flag. There it fluttered on November 11, 2014 during Rememberance Day […]
2015 [Knipsel] [Clipping] Memorial project stays on schedule
Clipping ‘Memorial project stays on schedule’ – Source Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Dutch town honors fallen military personnel including former area man, BY RON PAGLIA Anton de Man is a man on a mission and nothing seems to deter him – not even the elements. “We have had a mixed bag of weather recently, but that […]
2015 [Knipsel] [Clipping] Monument fallen airmen
Monument fallen airmen – Source: AD Hoeksche Waard, March 27, 2015 A monument for those who fell in the Hoeksche Waard during the Second World War. That was in 2013 the plan of the Foundation “Air War Memorial Hoeksche Waard 1940-1945”. The foundation is not only about keeping history alive, but it is also hoped […]
2015 [Knipsel] [Clipping] Fundament Foundation Spitfire
2015 [Photos] Production and construction
An extensive photo series about the creation of the monument: the construction, production and preparation for the opening, on June 6, 2015. Een uitgebreide fotoserie over de totstandkoming van het monument: de aanleg, de productie en het toewerken naar de opening op 6 juni 2015. Fotoserie ‘1 februari tot 6 juni 2015’
2014 [Photos] Bickford-family in Strijen
In Strijen brachten op dinsdag 16 september 2014 vier familieleden (Tony Meyer, Peter Bickford, John Bickford en William Bickford) van piloot Peter W. Bickford een bezoek aan zijn graf. De Engelse piloot was een van de zeven inzittenden van een geallieerde bommenwerper die 70 jaar geleden neerstortte bij Strijensas. On Tuesday 16 September 2014, four […]
2014 [Photos] Monument start
The production of the monument has started, work on the production is in full swing. The scouting poses where the monument will rise! De productie van het monument is van start gegaan, de werkzaamheden voor de productie zijn in volle gang. De scouting poseert op de plaats waar het monument zal verrijzen!
2013 [Photos] Visit Clive & Shirley James
Op 4 mei 2013 was vanaf het vroegere R.A.F. vliegveld in Ludham in Engeland Clive James met zijn vrouw Shirly opgestegen in zijn vliegtuigje om op die dag bij het monument van Warrent Officer Jack Dawson Green aan de Boonsweg in Blaakschendijk, namens de bevolking van Ludham, een krans neer te leggen. Jack was op […]
2012 – Start – The idea for a monument
2002 [Book] One of our aircraft is missing
The book ‘One of our aircraft is missing’ was published in 2002, written by Wim Wüst and Hans Onderwater. The book is subtitled ‘The air war above the Hoeksche Waard 1940-1945’. This book tells the stories of the planes and pilots that were shot down in the region. Illustrated with black and white photos and […]